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  • Phani Madhav

5 Marketing Automation Trends You Must Watch Out in 2023

Check out this interesting post to learn about 5 hot marketing automation trends in 2023.

A new year has arrived, and with it new marketing needs for your business. As your organization grows, you must look up to novel, cost-effective ways to enhance the efficiency of your marketing operations. A major element that helps you improve the efficacy of your marketing activities and reduce expenditures in a big way is automation. A study shows businesses that utilize a marketing automation tool to engage prospects have witnessed a 451% increase in the number qualified leads.

Today, we’ll look at 5 major trends that’ll shape the marketing automation landscape in 2023.

5 Key Trends that Will Transform the World of Marketing Automation in 2023

Trend 1 – Increased Emphasis on Data Quality

We all know data of high quality plays a key role in the success of an automated marketing campaign (or for that matter, any marketing initiative). Good, timely data enables you to analyze the impact of your marketing program in an effective manner. Marketing data of high quality also helps firms to make the best use of cutting-edge analytics tools to score potential leads very accurately. So, it comes as no surprise many companies are focusing on enhancing the quality of their data to make their marketing activities successful.

Trend 2 – Personalized Content Will Be the Order of the Day

Personalization of content is nothing new; companies have been making efforts to deliver content fully tailored to the specific needs and interests of each of their customers. However, groundbreaking developments in the domain of Machine Learning (ML) will empower companies to ‘hyper-personalize’ content. The revolutionary ML paradigms will enable organizations to comprehend their customers’ needs at the granular level and customize content in no time to address the needs very effectively.

Trend 3 – Seamless Omnichannel Customer Experiences

It’s well-known customers connect with companies using a wide variety of physical and digital channels and expect smooth interactions across all channels. The latest marketing automation platforms go a long way in delivering consistent, hassle-free omni-channel interactions. They help businesses track interactions throughout a customer’s journey and trigger messages using the right channel in a timely manner. Firms can ensure no customer has to ‘begin again’ because he couldn’t complete the interaction using a particular channel.

Trend 4 – Considerable Growth in the Use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

The trend of using RPA to automate marketing activities has already begun, and is likely to grow significantly in the coming days. RPA applications allow marketing professionals to collect publicly-available customer data through various websites. They can also use RPA scraping tools to update their customer databases in real time without human intervention. Furthermore, RPA helps gather information about clients and empower customer support personnel resolve problems rapidly, in a very efficient way. No wonder, we’ll see a significant increase in the use of RPA tools in marketing automation.

Trend 5 – Effective Automation of Lead Capturing Activities

Proper execution of lead capturing activities goes a long way in increasing the conversion rates, and thereby, revenues. However, capturing and nurturing a lead involves a lot of time, effort and money. Over the last few years, many companies are automating the operations involved in acquiring and cultivating leads, and this trend will continue in the new year. You can use marketing automation tools to develop highly effective landing pages containing forms to gather contact information.

I’d like to conclude by saying the 5 trends listed above will go a long way in enhancing marketing efficiencies in the new year. At SunYello, we help you make the best use of the latest marketing automation technologies to meet your revenue goals. Our rich experience working with companies of all sizes across the industry spectrum will enable us to formulate the right solution that provides you the best ROI.

Hope you liked this post. How do you plan to use marketing automation in 2023? We’d love to know. Wishing you all the success in the new year.

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