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  • Jayarama Emani

Compelling Content Marketing Tips For Social Media Strategy

A content strategy is a continuous process of translating your business targets into a plan that utilizes content as a primary means of achieving them.

The content strategy guides the creation, delivery and governance of all the content your business puts out.

Here are a few tips for you to come up with the winning strategy.

Develop a SMART Content Framework

The first step, as always, is to get clear on your goals. We recommend using the SMART framework. This will ensure that your goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.

A good example of a content strategy goal using this SMART framework is to increase blog views by 50% by the end of Q2 2022. And you'll achieve this by working closely with your editorial team and publishing five new blog posts every month.

Your SMART goal could be as simple as making sure you post once a day on Facebook. It can be as intricate or as easy as you want.

And if this is feeling a bit overwhelming, we recommend starting very simple. Perhaps you want a piece of content to be shared a certain number of times. That makes a great goal.

Define Your Audience

Next, you need to define your audience to know the individuals you connect with. This will help you use the right tone, publish the content on the right networks and even use the right images.

Audit Your Existing Content

If you have already been publishing for some time now and have content on social platforms, you can get very useful information. Take a look at your Twitter insights or your Facebook business suite. And you can precisely see what content does well. You can see videos consistently outperform images. So please look at your existing content and how it's performing on your social media channels.

Create Content Themes

Creating content themes is a great way to help you stay organized and creative when developing content. Just make sure that your content topics are ones that your audience wants to see and they're consistent. Map out your hashtags. In your strategy, you will have a section where you start researching and compiling all the best hashtags for you to use; if you're not sure where to take a look, head to Twitter trends to discover the trending hashtags. You can also study your competitors to determine which hashtags they're using. Don't forget to create a shareable document with all the hashtag information that you can easily copy and paste into your content.

Determine the Tools that You Want to Use

Do you require a robust social media scheduler tool with many analytics dashboards? Or can a simple Google spreadsheet do precisely what you need? You must decide.

And if you're not sure, we recommend starting on the simple side. Start with a Google spreadsheet. And if you need something a bit more sophisticated, move in that direction. And as always, evaluate and adjust. As with any plan, you'll need to revisit it regularly to see how it's going. Your content will tell a story. So, you'll see how many people have engaged with it. You'll be able to see trends and opportunities.

The most important thing is getting started. Once you start creating the content, iterate and adjust, you'll begin to develop a compelling content strategy. As with anything, your content strategy is a living document. It will adapt over time, which will get better and better.

As you can see, the tips listed above go a long way in enabling you to develop a winning content strategy to harness the full potential of social media. At SunYello, we help you come up with a highly efficacious content strategy that will empower your business to engage your audiences very effectively. Our strong focus on understanding your unique business needs allows you to craft the ideal content strategy that delivers the best ROI.

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