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  • Jayarama Emani

Content for the Winning Digital Marketing Strategy: A How-to Guide

We are moving from a world where everything was free, perhaps in hindsight, to paying for valuable content through paywalls in-app purchases, micropayments, and subscriptions.

Valuable and relevant content is essentially a large part of digital marketing. But where does this leave us in digital content-based marketing? Two trends are emerging. The average Internet user is beginning to accept that good content can and indeed should cost money. And on the other side, the creators of content are leveraging new tools and platforms to monetize their demanding work in new and different ways.

Here are a few tips for you to use your content efficiently for better returns on your digital marketing strategy.

Have the Right Content for The Right People

Think about the target groups that you need to influence; take your content pieces and adapt them to the different personas to make them relevant to other target groups, so that you take all of the right boxes with the right people.

Often, you will see that if you have a big piece of content, only minor changes are needed to adapt it to a different persona because the bulk of the information is still the same. It all depends on whether you're talking to an engineer or a marketing person. So, really think about how you can take your golden nuggets of content and adapt them to make them appealing to different target groups.

Ensure the Content is SEO-friendly

Digital marketing dominates your SEO efforts—Google rates and indexes your websites. The way you do your content marketing will ultimately determine how well you do on your SEO initiatives.

Late in 2019, Google rolled out a massive update called BERT. What is important is that Google is trying to understand your content more as a natural language than an association of a few keywords.

The search engine tries to understand the language used in your write-ups because its algorithm tries to match the language with the search terms that people are using.

Produce Long-Form Content

The long-form content is on the rise. And a typical question here probably is, what is long-form content?

Anything over 2000 words is considered long-form content by search engines. Long-form content attracts more traffic; it helps readers spend more time on your site. Long pieces of content also provide more backlinking opportunities and better scope for targeting keywords. So, don't be afraid to produce long-form content.

Reuse Content Across Various Channels

You must believe in the efficacy of multi-modal content and content reuse. Now, what does that mean? It means that when you've produced a nugget of information on a specific topic, really think about how you can break that piece apart and repurpose it for other channels.

For instance, you could take your long post on the topic you've written and use it for smaller posts on social media, articles on LinkedIn and email nurture flows. Instead of having an extensive article, you can break it apart so that you can send a series of emails. Likewise, a webinar could be repurposed into various videos, and it could even be used to create several short podcasts.

As you can see, the tips listed above go a long way in producing good content. At SunYello, we work with you to develop the right content ideas for your digital marketing strategy. Our strong focus on understanding your business needs and our ability to deliver the winning content with minimal expenditure will help you succeed in your digital marketing initiatives.

I hope you liked this post. Let us know how your content is helping you reach your marketing goals. We'd love to know.

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