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  • Phani Madhav

How to Navigate the Marketing Landscape in the Age of Data Privacy?

The last decade has witnessed groundbreaking developments in the realm of technology, which have enabled marketers to deliver unprecedented levels of personalization; novel paradigms such as cookies and Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) from the tech-giant Apple have made it possible to use data for targeting customers with very high levels of accuracy. However, on the flip side, innovations in technology have also resulted in fears of privacy violations.

Many countries have enacted stringent laws to prevent misuse of customer data. For instance, in the USA, the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) clearly specifies how customer data can be utilized. Several other states such as Maryland, Massachusetts and Hawaii are planning to implement strict data privacy norms. Against this backdrop, how can businesses make the most out of their marketing data to meet their revenue goals, while ensuring full compliance to applicable data statutes? They need to come up with a robust Data Rights Management (DRM) approach. Let’s see how.

Formulating an Effective DRM Framework – 3 Key Aspects to Consider

It’s well-said trust and creation of true value are the bedrocks of a good DRM approach. Companies must focus on 3 key elements to harness their customer data in a responsible manner and build strong relationships with them. They are:

  1. Telling the customer clearly what you intend to do with his data

  2. Communicating how you’ll secure data in an effective manner

  3. Ensuring ongoing dialog with customers about data privacy

We’ll now look at each element, in detail.

Telling the Customer Clearly What You Intend to Do with His Data

We all know ensuring transparency goes a long way in building trust. You need to clearly explain to your customer how you will utilize his data. Many organizations provide comprehensive documents to their customers outlining their data usage policies. However, in most cases, these documents are filled with jargon that is hard to understand. So, it’s necessary to use simple language that can be understood easily.

It’s also important to ensure the policies are clearly visible and can be read without hassles. Make sure you place the policy documents on your website and mobile app in such a manner that your customers can easily access and download them; you must remember most customers seldom go through the documents but would like to have a copy of them for reference in case any need arises.

Communicating How You’ll Secure His Data in an Effective Manner

It’s very important to effectively communicate to the customer how your company will ensure the safety of information shared by him. As cyberthreats grow in number and sophistication with each passing day, customers wish to know how you protect their data from falling into wrong hands. This should include not only data that has been collected from customers in an explicit manner but also any information gathered about their location using various identification tools. The customers must have an opportunity to revoke access to their data at any point in time.

It's highly advisable to have a dedicated section of your website and mobile app to enable your customers to indicate and exercise their preferences about the use of their information. For instance, firms need to allow their blog subscribers to specify topics they are interested in, so that posts only on those topics can be shared with them. The firms must also enable the subscribers to opt out easily. A well-designed, transparent, user-friendly data usage mechanism helps businesses gain the trust of their customers and goes a long way in making them willing to provide access to their data. You can also consider creating short, engaging videos about your data usage and security policies that catch the attention of your customers.

Ensuring Ongoing Dialog with Customers About Data Privacy

Companies would do well to remember ongoing dialog about data privacy is a vital element of a good DRM framework. Apart from ensuring openness, active engagement reminds customers you make all possible efforts to implement proven data safety practices and provide the best experiences using their data.

As data privacy continues to be one of the most discussed topics, it is important to see you ensure transparency in the use of customer data. While it is true most customers aren’t interested in participating in a data dialog, your efforts and commitment to safeguard their data will reassure them that you are a business that they can trust. In a highly regulated environment, where customers can ask you to ‘forget’ them, a continuous dialog on data security can help you prevent them from doing so.

One of our clients, a global leader in BFSI space, developed a series of videos on its information safety procedures. The videos showed how customers can manage access to their data very clearly. The videos were very useful in enhancing customers’ confidence in the company, which resulted in its brand receiving a major boost.

Thus, by focusing on the 3 important aspects listed above, you can make sure you win the trust and confidence of your customers. At SunYello, we help your business to come up with a robust marketing strategy while fully ensuring the privacy of customer data. Our rich experience gained serving companies in diverse industrial sectors coupled with a strong emphasis on comprehending your unique requirements enables us to provide the ideal solution to manage your marketing data.

Hope you liked this post. How do you ensure the privacy of your customer data? We’d love to know.

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