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  • Monica Barthalomeo

Top 5 ABM Campaigns You Can Learn From

Finding and meeting customers where they are, is the fundamental duty of marketers. In this scenario, Account-based Marketing (ABM) has proven its worth time after time. Skeptical about it? Here are a few statistics:

  • 87 percent of marketers that practice ABM claim that ABM outperforms their other marketing investments.

  • ABM initiatives deliver more than 97 percent of ROI compared to other marketing activities

  • More than 70 percent of companies that started ABM initiatives in the first half of 2019 have created positions in their organizations for dedicated ABM leaders.

  • Over 67 percent of brands have been leveraging ABM to grow their business

In this blog, we’ll delve into how brands have leveraged ABM to reach their marketing goals and make their business thrive in detail.

Top 5 ABM Campaigns to Learn from


With the goal to engage prospective customers, LiveRamp – the identity resolution provider decided to use ABM. Hence, they embraced a multichannel approach coupled with ABM which empowered them to book various meetings with the Fortune 500s.

The four drivers that led LiveRamp’s ABM Campaign to success were:

  1. A strong alignment between the sales and marketing teams.

  2. Automation

  3. Cohesive messaging and engagement initiatives through email promotions, direct mail, display advertising, and multi-touch sales strategies.

  4. Their rich and regional thought leadership events emphasizing on learning and development (L&D).

Next, LiveRamp uses the hyper-focused approach in ABM to create a target list of 15-high value clients. The results? They witnessed a 33% of conversion rate within four work weeks from cold leads to landing meetings.

The firm also noticed that their ABM campaigns performed two times better than their broad and dispersed campaigns. Plus, they witnessed an incredible 10X increase in their Year-Over-Year Revenue and saw two times increase in their Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) over a 24 months period.

From this case, we learn that to create successful ABM campaigns, companies need to integrate multiple initiatives. LiveRamp’s hyper-targeted approach coupled with robust coordination between all their teams and the high-value offerings that educated their prospects resulted in the overall success of their ABM campaign.


Robin, a conference room scheduling tools firm wanted to come up with an out-of-the-box initiative when they decided to implement the ABM strategy. The team curated breathtaking office space images from their well-established clients and targeted their audiences on various social platforms.

This out-of-the-box idea with the ABM campaign resulted in a 50 percent spike in their web traffic and a 20 percent incredible increase in their lead generation. Robin’s campaign shows us how you can power up your ABM campaign with the right idea and drive the results you’re looking for amidst the competition.


The Commerce Experience Management Platform company, Salsify adopted the multichannel ABM approach when they planned to host a Road Show in New York in collaboration with Johnson & Johnson and Google. Initiating their project by creating a targeted accounts list, crafting the perfect marketing message for the targeted audience, then following it up with display ads, targeted emails, and targeted ads, Salsify let its sales team take care of the rest.

The results? They closed umpteen accounts within two hours of starting the campaign. Plus, they exceeded their conversions by 22 percent. Salsify’s use case reveals that a strong sales and marketing team alignment and relentless focus coupled with a multichannel ABM approach can lead your campaign to success beyond your goals.


GumGum, a global technology and media company wanted to grab the attention of the fast-food restaurant chain - Mcdonald's. Hence, they adopted the ABM approach and leveraged the power of social media to achieve the same.

The company's strategy included creating 100 personalized burger kits that reflected their brand and distributing them among executives at Mcdonald's and associated company agencies. GumGum also included BigMac ingredients to showcase various aspects of their technology.

GumGum kickstarted various social media campaigns through short videos and tagged all the key decision-makers online. The result? GumGum secured a meeting with the key stakeholders of Mcdonald's. It's indeed a perfect example of how firms can use creative ideas and reach out to customers through various touchpoints to stand out from the competition.


To create an awareness campaign around their HubSpot and Marketo integrations and drive their customer acquisition, Datanyze – a technographic provider embraced the ABM marketing approach. By creating a list of targeted consumers based on their present marketing automation usage.

The brand targeted marketers who’ve been working for SaaS businesses using either HubSpot or Marketo and segmented the accounts based on the platforms they used accordingly. They then sent each group personalized emails specific to their platform. So, the HubSpot users received emails about HubSpot integration and the Marketo users received emails pertaining to Marketo integrations.

These personalized emails contained educational content on how each of them could use data integration within a marketing automation environment to enhance their marketing KPIs. This personalization and segmentation strategy empowered the brand to gain a positive ROI, close more deals, and witness a 37 percent increase in their email open rates compared to their non-ABM approach.

By creating a hyper-focused and targeted account list, companies can boost their customer acquisition. Through this, brands can understand the factors that make a great customer and use this knowledge in during customer interactions.


We understand from these case studies that when marketing initiatives are coupled with ABM, the possibilities are endless. Though ABM campaigns are very effective, doing it all by yourself is quite a challenge. Partnering with an ABM company can help you alleviate that burden thus, helping you concentrate on other business initiatives that matter. SunYello, an account-based marketing firm understands your business needs and helps you run effective ABM campaigns that drive results. Talk to our team to learn more about how we can make you grow.

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